Wrong Sides Together


There’s an ‘anti-fashion’ movement going on and Gatis is on it!

It’s part of the answer to global warming, and we think that’s exciting! We can do something about saving our species and have fun at the same time… whilst eating cake!

The Fashion Industries is one of the most wasteful industries on the planet.

The amount of pesticides, water and carbon the clothing industry uses is shocking, not to mention the unnecessary waste during production and after the life of the garments. On average, just one person in the UK will produce 70 Kg of textile waste per year!

If we carry on in this way, we will use up all our planetary resources whilst heating up the Earth creating an environment inhospitable for humans and other animals. In fact, this is already happening.

The exciting bit is that YOU can change this…

…your cash is powerful, vote with your pounds and stop buying fast fashion. Wrong Sides Together is a group of men, women and children who meet at Gatis twice a month to do something about the negative effects of the fashion industry, learn some new skills, save money and most of all have fun… and did we mention cake?

There are already so many garments in existence there is no need to keep buying new. We’re not the only people who are buying from charity shops, using free shops, car boot sales, hosting clothes swaps and buying used clothes online, there are hundreds of groups and millions of individuals across the world who are already part of the clothing revolution!

Our Aims

Share skills and knowledge of different crafts in a friendly and relaxed setting i.e. with cake.

Swap clothes and craft supplies.

Learn together and support each other along the way.

Buy less, choose well.

Alter, mend and embellish clothes in order to meet aim 4.

Help to stop global warming.