Now that lockdown rules are being relaxed and community settings are allowed to open up again you may be wondering when Gatis will be opening up again.
Everyone’s health and safety is vitally important to us and due to the centre’s hall and cafe space currently being used four days per week to facilitate food box packing for delivery to Wolverhampton residents, we feel it would be wrong of us to open up the building again for any public activities.
We have been working very hard and consulting with the council to ensure we are operating the building in a safe manner and are adhering to safety requirements regarding COVID 19 and have implemented new procedures and cleaning measures.
We are delighted to say we have some summer activities coming up that you can get involved in:
We hope to open up the Crazy Golf Course for pre-booked sessions for family/social bubbles over the summer holidays.
We hope to bring you outdoor yoga sessions.
We will have some online creative challenges and experiences for you.
We will be developing a mutual aid volunteering programme (news on that very soon!)
Please watch this space for news on all these opportunities very soon. If you have any questions or any ideas on how the grounds could be used for the community during these strange times please email
Stay Safe!