Since we started our voluntary activities on site in December 2013 we have received or are in the process of receiving the following grant funding:
Whitmore Reans Connect £300 towards new kitchen equipment
Whitmore Reans Connect £300 towards promotional video and experience day to engage with local schools
Police Commissioners Fund £1000 towards general community activities
Grow Wild £2500 towards creating a wildflower strip on the playing fields and hosting nature workshops.
National Express Foundation £2500 to engage with young people aged 15 to 25 and provide volunteering opportunities for them.
Awards for All £10000 to provide craft and nature workshops and events
ITV People Project 2017 Finalists and Runners Up -£5000 to run bushcraft activities for disadvantaged children
Barrow Cadbury £3000 to support the Community Café start up costs.
Creative Black Country £4800 over two years to support arts activities – #LOVETHEREANS and Lantern Parade as well as story competitions and art bomb events.
Comic Relief £1000 towards a volunteer gardening club.
European Social Fund £9900 towards a volunteer mentoring programme helping long term unemployed explore skills.
Esmee Fairbairn 2016 / 2018 £44996 towards building operating costs and staff costs.
Esmee Fairbairn 2018 / 2020 £45656 towards staff costs and sessional worker costs and activities.
Power To Change (late 2017 to 2019) £119073 towards staff costs, sessional workers, volunteer costs, training costs, refurbishment of office and equipment costs and some outdoor space development costs.